first in fire prep is a firefighter interview prep and mentorship company based out of the bay area. specializing in panel interviews, chiefs interviews and resume building, we are dedicated to ensuring every candidate is ready to achieve their dream of becoming a firefighter.
■ mentorship
Our team works closely with you to make sure your you understand the hiring process and what requirements are needed in order to apply. We will work with you as you navigate the difficult and sometimes confusing process of applying, testing, and interviewing. Our mentorship program goes beyond getting hired, we will also help to get you physically ready by creating workout and meal plans to help you prepare for the academy and a long healthy career.
We customize all of our services to you. From just starting in the fire service to continuing your career with another department we will help to make sure you are as prepared as possible from start to sworn in.
■ interview prep
Panel interviews are hands down the most nerve wrecking part of the hiring process. Our process helps to ease the stress, we prepare you and focus on creating a system that allows you to understand the best way to format your answers, responses, and story. You will gain knowledge, confidence and experience that will prepare you to stand out against the competition.
Our 1 0n 1 interview prep will walk you through our 3 step process
create a unique opening statement
formatting strong and descriptive responses that highlight your experience
Create a strong passionate closing statement
■ resume building
Resume building has become a lost art especially in the fire service. A neat and clean resume that HIGHLIGHTs your experience and your specific certifications is another way you can stand out. Our resume building process will help you filter out the junk and allow your resume to stay on top.
Our team will work with you to properly format and organize resume’s, cover letters and certification packets.
Success stories
There is no way I would have made it this far without the knowledge, wisdom, and techniques I learned from my sessions with First in Fire Prep. I am continually impressed by the professionalism that you both exude, and the patience that you had walking me through this process every step of the way.
Matt B.
After working with Mike and Kori prior to my interviews I ended up having a great deal of success in numerous fire department interviews. I highly recommend the First in Fire Prep.
Ryan S.
Just wanted to let you know that I got a conditional job offer! Turns out I had the best interview of the day! I truly appreciate all of your help, and will definitely be recommending your company to others!
Brett M.
Learn more about us
First in fire was created in 2021 by mike thurman and kori grant with the goal of helping candidates reach their ultimate goal of working in the fire service.
With 20+ years of combined service as firefighters and officers Mike and kori have created a company that thrives on mentoring the next generation of firefighters.
MikE thurman Kori grant
We are excited to work with you. Feel free to contact us via email or fill out our contact form to discuss how we can help you from start to sworn in.